
Articles about Pairing

Reality Driven Development

Business | Pairing | - May 21, 2018 // Barry

Not a lot of people know this about me, but I've almost exited programming at three different times in my career...because I wanted to get into project management at a high level. Ever since my first project management class in grad school, it just made sense to me...but after about 15 years in software it doesn't anymore. Let me explain how to fix it.

Screenhero - This is your Business Plan

Business | Pairing | - July 31, 2014 // Barry

I got a newsletter last night from Screenhero announcing version 1.0. The problem is that in the announcement, they also announced a change in pricing that will probably kill a lot of what they have going for them. And I hate that. I REALLY hate that. I've worked for companies where we had to invest a lot of time cleaning up bad decisions, so maybe it bothers me a little more. I really like Screenhero though, so I'm going to try to help. I wasn't doing a good job of explaining myself to them via Twitter, so this should hopefully be a better explanation of what I was trying to communicate.

Pair Programming - The Lightning Talk Version Presentation

DevOps | Pairing | - July 4, 2014 // Barry @ ACS Technologies

Lightning talk introduce pair programming based on information gleaned from RailsConf 2014. Bulk of the credit for this presentation goes to Chuck Lauer Vose of New Relic and Joe Moore of Pivotal Labs.